Introduction: How to Make a Gift Box From Paper Without Glue or Tape
This Instructable will show you how to make a gift box from two pieces of construction paper.
Required materials:
2 pieces of 8.5" x 11" paper
Required tools:
Required materials:
2 pieces of 8.5" x 11" paper
Required tools:
Step 1: Cutting the Squares
Fold each piece of paper along a diagonal
Cut the piece for the lid into a square
Draw a line 3/8" smaller on the second piece and cut it along the line into a slightly smaller square
Cut the piece for the lid into a square
Draw a line 3/8" smaller on the second piece and cut it along the line into a slightly smaller square
Step 2: Creasing the Squares
Make a crease across the middle of the square starting from each side
Crease all corners into the center
Folder the sides to the center
Turn 90 degrees and repeat
Crease all corners into the center
Folder the sides to the center
Turn 90 degrees and repeat
Step 3: Tucking the Corners
Unfold all but two of the corners
Tuck wall corners in
Fold larger corner over and into the bottom of the box
Repeat on the other side
Repeat all steps on the other piece of paper
Tuck wall corners in
Fold larger corner over and into the bottom of the box
Repeat on the other side
Repeat all steps on the other piece of paper
Step 4: A Little Extra Flare
Before folding the lid into it's final shape, snip along the creased diagonals to cut an artistic pattern.
Also cut a square from the scrap of the other piece of paper
Tuck it inside the box under the tips of the folded corners
Tie with a ribbon once the gift has been placed inside.
Also cut a square from the scrap of the other piece of paper
Tuck it inside the box under the tips of the folded corners
Tie with a ribbon once the gift has been placed inside.