Introduction: How to Make a Magical Two Headed Coin

In this Instructable, you will learn how to make a 2 headed, and mutilated coin, to use for magic, or other purposes.

Step 1: Materials

The materials you need:
>2 nickels, or two identical coins
>Sandpaper (Bench grinder works better)
>Dust Off (with the little straw)

Step 2: Attaching the Two Coins

First, take each coin, and sand the "Tails " side until it is pretty rough, this gives the glue something to hold onto.(first picture)

Then, put superglue on all parts of the "tails" side of one coin, and attach the other one to it.
(picture 2)

Now, you have 2 coins stacked, and super glued together.
(picture 3)

Step 3: Freezing the Nickel

Now, we must freeze the nickel, in order to make sure the glue is dried, and it gives a special texture.
To freeze it, turn the can of dust off upside down, and lightly pull the trigger.
Spray it on the coin, then let the coin sit for about 30 seconds.

Step 4: Adding Texture (optional)

this step is optional, but it makes the coin look more funky.

Now, the coin has been glued, and frozen together, it is time to add some color, and texture.

Place a few dabs of super glue on the surface of the coin, and spray it with freezing dust off.
do this several times, but be careful because ther is super glue, and freezing poison being sprayed everywhere.

Step 5: Finishing the Coin

Now, sand some of the white residue off, and sand the edges down, a lot.
I used a bench grinder, but sanding it should work.
You can do anything you want to mutilate the sides of the coin, it makes it look more like you found it, rather than made it.
You can also use a grinder, or sand paper to rough up the face, and edges, to your liking.

Step 6: Uses for the Coin

you have finally finished the coin, but what can you use it for?
I use it for magic tricks, it is very easy to palm.
you can also use it like the mayor in "The Dark Knight", because this coin has two heads.

Be weary:
In the US, it might be illegal to mutilate currency, im not really sure. Also I dont know about other countries.

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