Introduction: How to Make a Paper Shuriken
This instructable is on how to make a paper shuriken aka a ninja star.
Step 1: Steop 1
Cut two strips of paper a little bigger than the ones in the picture.
Step 2: Step 2
Now fold the strips in half, then unfold them so you have a crease.
Step 3: Step 3
Next fold the end to the side so you have a point.
Step 4: Step 4
now fold the end so that they line up with the crease. Do it to both strips of paper.
Step 5: Step 6
Now lie them on top of eachother. Make sure the bottom one has the line in the middle facedown.
Step 6: Step 7
Almost done now this is the hard part fold one side in (picture) then flip over do the same with one point, flip over again do to another point, flip over one more time and do the last point.
Step 7: Woohoo!