Introduction: How to Make a Pocket Sized Zapper

If You have got people or kids (Opps HEHE) knocking and running, wanna give em' a fright, or just want a cool halloween trick. Well today im going to show you a simple way do give someone a quick and harmless zap!

Step 1: Parts

For This Project you will need:
1X Cvolt Battery
A Piece of sound cable
A Cvolt battery holder or electrical tape
And Thats It!

Step 2: Building It!

To build your zapper this is what your gonna have to do!
Step 1. Get your Cvolt battery and either put it in the battery holder and soldier your sound cable on to it One end to the positive side and One end to the negetive side (it dosen't matter what cable goes to what side)
If your using electrical tape, tape one side of the wire to the positive side and the other side of the wire to the negetive side

Step 3: Having Fun!

Now all you have to do is get someone to press one side to the other and 'ZAP'
Have Fun!