Introduction: How to Make a Rechargable Flash Light With Signal Light From Recycable Materials.

About: DIY hobbyist since childhood
On my instructable i will teach you on how to make your own rechargable flash light using some junk laying around.
it also has a blinking led that you can use as a signal light for your bike or anything else...

Step 1: Step 1: Prepare Your Materials.

The materials that you need are:

1. super bright white led. 4pcs 5mm
2. super bright blue led blink 1pc 1cm.
3. resistors (the resistors will depend on the computation you have come up.)
4. junk plastics.
5. glue.
6. li-ion battery. or any battery that has high capacity.
7. crown plug female plug. (i got this from my broken MP4 will depend on the male plug of the charger that  you will use.)
8. any tools that you might need.

Step 2: Step 2: Compute for the Resistor Value.

here is the computation you have to use to get the right value for the resistor that you need.

R = (VS - VL) / I

R= resistor value
Vs=voltage supply
Vl= voltage to be supplied
I = ampere of the part you must supply.

Step 3: Step 3: Putting the Parts Together.

here is the diagram of the parts.


about the resistor led part. you can use only one resistor if you have 4 same leds on a parallel connection. if you will use different kinds  of led, each led must have their own resistor.

Step 4: Step 4: Making the Case.

the casing of my flashlight come from junk plastics,
so i formed it on my own method that is shown here.

Step 5: Step 5: Putting the Parts Inside.

after completing the casing, you can now put the parts inside the casing and solder them together. you can glue some of them to make sure that they will not be removed easily on the casing. use insulating materials to insulate 'near to short circuit' parts.

Step 6: Step 6: Enclosing the Casing and Now You Are Finished.

i designed the case to be mounted by screws so if there is something wrong i can easily replace the damaged part of my designed circuit.

you can watch the video on how it works on my youtube account.