Introduction: How to Make a Skate Board Into a Snow Board!

About: Tsc stands for totallysupercreaitve. Please if you like what I make follow me! I like riding any thing with a engine or motor. I also like build weedeater bikes and chainsaw bikes also mini choppers. I be…

Now this is  my brothers instructable cause he pretty much did very thing! I only help with the grinding, and put the  washers on! So I hope you  enjoy my brother instructable, and he is enter in this in to the inner tube contest so please vote for it!!!

Step 1: How to Make a Skate Board Into a Snow Board

 you need a intertube a skate board 12 screweds and 12 washers a glue gun and a scissor     p.s I for got the washers

Step 2: Glueing the Innertube

Now glue the innertube into place and glue it good and get your snow boot to measure it.

Step 3: Screwing It In

I hope you glued it good because when you screw it in, it will twist the innertube.  

Step 4: Grinder

Now you  cut off the screws on the bottom of the skate board with a grinder.

Step 5: You Are Done

Now you are done. So go snow  boarding!