Introduction: How to Make a Snorricam

After checking out the instructable by Cartermarquis on how to make a snorricam I decided to go out and make my own. I made a few changes to his design that in my opinion make several improvements. If your wondering what a snorricam is, here is the wikipedia article or better yet, just see it below in action. These are some of the first videos I made using my new rig.


Sorry that many of my images are blurry, I was really snapping pictures quickly while doing the project and I wasn't paying too much attention.

Step 1: Tools and Materials

Since this is a project that can be easily made with any number of materials you might have lying around, I'll just let you guys know what I worked with.

- Jigsaw
- Drill and drill press
- Sandpaper
- Framing square
- Tape measure

- 1 meter long aluminum picket. Normally used as part of an outdoor deck railing.
- 3 pieces of light wood of various sizes. I took apart a box that used to contain 6 bottles of wine.
- Several different nuts, bolts, washers and L-Brackets.
- One large L-Bracket to hold the camera.
- Straps or "webbing"
- A clip for closing the belt portion
- Rubber washer for protecting the camera from getting scratched
- A bolt of the right size to hold your camera in place
- Needle and thread

Step 2: Start Cutting

My design is quite simple because there are only two pivot points. One is close to your body, the other is up by the camera. You wanna cut two half circles that will allow you to adjust the angle of your snorricam.

First cut the aluminum rail into two parts (one of 90cm, the other of 10cm). Drill a hole through one end of your rail and through the center of your half circle. Fix in place using your nuts, bolts and washers.

Step 3: Start Drilling

This is where having a drill press really helps. You wanna be able to adjust the height of your snorricam, so you need to drill some holes. Using the half circle as a guide, drill a bunch of holes around your half circle.

Step 4: Put the First Peices of Wood Together

Attach your larger half circle to the piece of wood that will be against your body using your L-brackets.

Step 5: Repeat These Steps for the Second Pivot Point

The second pivot point, closer to the camera is much like the last, just smaller. Just check out my pictures and cut/drill/sand/attach as needed!

Step 6: Attach the Straps

I decided against using a second piece of wood for my back and simply use the straps to hold the snorricam to my body. The top straps form an X on my back when wearing the snorricam. The belt just helps keep it steady.

Using your drill and jigsaw, drill slots for the straps to loop through. Use some sewing skills to attach it properly.

Step 7: Set Up the Camera Mount

Attach the large L-Bracket to the 10cm piece of aluminum. This is where the camera will attach to the snorricam. Use the rubber washer to protect the camera from scratching.

Step 8: Enjoy!

If all went well, you should end up with something like this.

I decided against having a third pivot point (elbow) for the sake of keeping my rig light and simple. All in all, I am very happy with the results. My snorricam is very adjustable, but once you have things set for your size and needs, you wont mess with the setting too much.

By the way, I just use a simple point and shoot camera for my videos so the whole thing is very light. If you have any questions, comments or suggesting, please leave a comment below!