Introduction: How to Make a Table for Your Tv and PS4.
.This Simple table you can use to put your TV, PS4, Books, DVDs, CD for games and PC. You can do it by yourself
Step 1: Tools
.We need this tools meters for measuring, screws, drill, screwdriver and Scissors
Step 2: Materials
.We need this materials wood and Binding
Step 3: Design
.Use program (auto CAD ) to design the table, you should paint the table high 50 and length 100
Step 4: Cut Wood
Cut the wood to be like Image, size of wood high 50, length 100 three couples, anther wood size high 50 length 50 two couples and should warned when you use saw.
Step 5: Binding Wood
.Binding the wood, use the scissors to cutoff the binding, you should take air out between wood and binding
Step 6: Finish Binding
.When you finish binding wood to be like this
Step 7: Assembly 1
.Put the wood together to be like picture,180" degree
Step 8: Assembly 2
.Put the Screws to Prove in wood, use the drill to Prove screws, do this with all couples
Step 9: Assembly 3
.Use the Meters to have good measure
Step 10: Assembly 4
.Use the Screws to Prove the middle wood in Table bay drill
Step 11: Finish
.To be like this when you finish