Introduction: How to Make a Traffic Light Subwoofer.
Please DONT steal the traffic light&. As a driver and a pedestrian Im telling you there put to better use directing traffic then shaking you house or car with the music of your choice.
But lucky for me I found a small red light in my next-door neighbors garbage. Its small but it will work until I find a full size traffic light. At which time I will post another instructable.
What you need.
1 Plexiglas or wood
2 traffic light
3 speaker - 1 or three depending on what type of traffic light you are using.
4 speaker wire
5 speaker inputs
(electric cross over if necessary)
But lucky for me I found a small red light in my next-door neighbors garbage. Its small but it will work until I find a full size traffic light. At which time I will post another instructable.
What you need.
1 Plexiglas or wood
2 traffic light
3 speaker - 1 or three depending on what type of traffic light you are using.
4 speaker wire
5 speaker inputs
(electric cross over if necessary)
Step 1: Clean.
The first thing you want to do is clean the light up& after all its probably been sitting outside collecting dust for some time.
No picture necessary&
No picture necessary&
Step 2: Deal With That Plexiglas.
cut out your Plexiglas so that it will fit into your traffic light. it doesnt have to be perfect because it will be glued later on so that it is almost air tight.
Next cut out the circle for your speaker. use a compass, installing the speeker properly is important.
finally place the speaker into the hole you've created and glue. (no screws)
Next cut out the circle for your speaker. use a compass, installing the speeker properly is important.
finally place the speaker into the hole you've created and glue. (no screws)
Step 3: Instaling the Speeker..
First connect the speaker to the inputs or the electronic crossover depending on how your connecting your sub.
now glue the input circle to the light case and make sure you have a good seal.
now glue the input circle to the light case and make sure you have a good seal.
Step 4: Insert Time
Place the speaker and the Plexiglas into the case and glue. Make sure you have a good seal then let it dry.
Step 5: Finishing Up
Close the box (real tight) make sure theres no loose parts on the box and plug it in..
Step 6:
It doesnt sound good; but I like the look of it when its on behind the red glass.
Things to do in the future - add light
Things to do in the future - add light