Introduction: How to Make Beautiful Promotional Matchbooks!

About: Polyglotte was founded as a benefit corporation to spread and facilitate the learning of languages worldwide, through the instrument of the PolyKeyboard.

Things you'll need:

1. Printer

2. Beautiful images

3. Cutter

4. Matchbooks

5. Adhesive paper

Step 1: Take Pictures!

Take pictures that support your idea. Simple ideas are the best!

Step 2: Find the Words.

Think of a catchy phrase or words that describe the value of your product or service. Keep it short. People love cute things, and they're useful! ;)

Step 3: Print!

Have your images and catchy phrases printed on adhesive paper.

Step 4: Cutting Time!

Cut and frame your images. Take your time. Presentation is everything!

Step 5: Stick 'em!

Stick the images to the front of the matchbooks, the words on the back.

Step 6: Stamp the Inside!

Lastly, stamp the inside of the matchbook with your logo and let it dry at least 5 minutes

Step 7: All Done!

All done! Make a cute box in which to display your beautiful matchbooks and a sign indicating they're free. Perfect for startup events, cafes and trade shows!

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