Introduction: How to Make Cheap Wood Caulk
How to make wood caulk out of wood glue and sawdust. You can use it to cover nails and holes in wood.
Step 1: What You Need
you need
- wood glue (normal glue might work, but i havent tried)
- sawdust (you want the finest sawdust that you can get)
-something to stir in/with
- wood glue (normal glue might work, but i havent tried)
- sawdust (you want the finest sawdust that you can get)
-something to stir in/with
Step 2:
first you need to add glue to the sawdust. There is no exact measurement, just make it stick together, with enough glu to make it moldable/ not dry.
Step 3:
now i am going to cover the nails. After it is dry sand it flush with the wood.