Introduction: How to Hook Up Voltage Divider

About: Short way,Everything Arduino,AVR... C++,C# and Basic. Full home automatization is my dream I love playing whith stuff that can kill you or fry you like in hell. If you want me to help you with various project…

Hi all.In this simple tutorial i will show you how to set up votage divider whith 2 resistors.I use 2 100Ohm resistor so i should get voltage divided in half.So lets get started.

Step 1: Add Resistors

We need to add resistors in series to get voltage drop on each,that is purpose of voltage divider.

Step 2: Mesure Voltage

So the voltage drop on all resistors is 12.88V.Now we are going to mesure voltage drop accros single resistor.You see the voltage drop on first resistor is 6.46V.Now we are going to mesure voltage drop on second resistor.And it is also 6.46V because we used same resistors.

Step 3: Drawbacks

The down side of voltage divider is the heat wasted in resistors.Also,the maximum current on divided voltages is very low,you can add resistor whith less resistance but the heat will probably kill them.

This is my video of smoking resistor