Introduction: How to Make Your Binocular Lens Less Visible

About: I Like to Build , Burn , Blow , Fix and Learn Stuff.
This is my First Instructable so please feel free to give tips and suggestions.So In this Instructable , I'll show you how to Lessen the possibilities of you being spotted easily because of  your Shiny Binocular , Scope , Sight , etc. Lens.

Step 1: What You'll Need

1.Your Binocular , Scope , Sight , etc. with shiny Lens
2.Some Net

Step 2: Cut the Net

Cut the net in Circles for twice as big as your Lens

Step 3: Remove the Lens Cap

Now Luckily the caps on my lens are made of Rubber so easily removed it.

Step 4: Insert the Net Inside the Cap