Introduction: How to Make Zombies Out of Junk

Unfortunately I couldn't get the instructable to save and add a new page so I am reduced to a slideshow.  It isn't hard to make a zombie and other than a few things, it was made from junk. 

The things I used are:

Metal clotheshangers (both plain metal and pants)
Empty Mountain Dew cases
Scraps of half inch pvc pipe
Half inch pvc fittings (various)
Black electrial tape (lots)
Aluminum foil
32 oz. cups from Mcdonalds or any fast food place
Newspaper strips
White paper towels
Brown paper towels
Anything that you can use a base or stand.
A skull
Spray PaintGreat stuff
Stain/polyurathane mix

Drill with bits and driver bit
Circular Saw
Hot glue gun
Paint brushes

Of all the things I have listed here I only had to buy more and more electrical tape and the Great Stuff.  The skulls and feet I had left over from last year.

For the base/stand I used boards cut and sanded from a wooden pallet.

For the paper mache, including newspaper, tissue and both of the paper towels I used a flour paste.  Take 3 cups of water and 1 cup of flour and slowly bring to a soft boil while stirring.  The paste can be stored in the fridge for a week.  By adding a pinch or two of salt after it is made will keep insects from trying to eat it when it dries.

Poses can be made to fit whatever purposes you may have.  Life like zombies make a great addition to any yard.