Introduction: How to Play Classic Games on Your Computer! (Emulators)

About: Hello, I'm just some random guy on the internet you probably don't know. I like games like BioShock, Dark Souls, Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill.

UPDATE 8/18/14:
Do NOT use CoolROM anymore, they use installers now, use now for a safe ROM download.

Hello guys, it's been a long time. I'll be showing how to play Classic games on your computer using ROMS.

Step 1: Get a Emulator.

To find a emulator just go to: and find the tab that says "Emulators." EMULATORS ARE NOT ILLEGAL.

Step 2: Get a ROM.

The law concerning ROMS are a grey area. There is a lot of mistrust on the internet concerning ROMS, most of them say that if you own the game physically then you could have a ROM and it will be LEGAL. Otherwise, just downloading a ROM is ILLEGAL.

(Even though you won't get caught.)

On a side note, I'm also not liable for any viruses or trojans you get on your computer. (use safe websites like EmuParadise. Make sure to have antivirus and always scan roms before opening them.)

Step 3: Start Your ROM.

Now that you have a Emulator and a ROM. It's time to use them.
1. Open up your Emulator. (Mine was Project 64)
2. Hit "File" and then "Select Rom."
3. Find the Win.rar file.

(Optional) When playing you may want to full screen (Alt + Enter)

Have fun with your emulators.