Introduction: How to Properly Throw a Football Spiral
Thank you for choosing my How-To on how to throw a football spiral. I would like to add my personal testimony to this guide and state that i have learned how to throw a spiral in a little over 4 weeks. Following these mechanics im confident that you, the reader, will be able to throw a spiral as well. By thoroughly practicing the mechanics that i have provided and with a lot of practice, you too shall be able to confidently throw a spiral.
Thank you for choosing my How-To on how to throw a football spiral. I would like to add my personal testimony to this guide and state that i have learned how to throw a spiral in a little over 4 weeks. Following these mechanics im confident that you, the reader, will be able to throw a spiral as well. By thoroughly practicing the mechanics that i have provided and with a lot of practice, you too shall be able to confidently throw a spiral.