Introduction: Headphones in a Helmet

About: Alex Blechta is a young and enthusiastic graphic designer and photographer. Starting from such a young age he wants to learn and strive in his future dream of becoming a well-known graphic designer and or phot…
This is a very simple way of incorporating headphones in a helmet that allows headphones. 
Hint its better to find headphones with a mic and a little remote on the wire so you can change songs or answer a call. 

Adding headphones to your helmet will make your riding more extreme and fun. The music will get you pumped up. 

Step 1: Materials

Step 2: Take Apart Headphones

Step 3: Put Headphones in Helmet

Take out the ear muff part of the helmet. 
Unzip zipper and take out the little cushion things. 
Place headphones into the ear muffs. 

Step 4: Your Done!

Now go and hit the slopes while listing to music and be Extreme.