Introduction: How to Repair the Drive Wheels on a Chicago Electric Portable Band Saw
Chicago Electric portable band saws are the brand carried by Habor Freight, they are made in China as are several other no name brands ( which are most likely the same tool ). The drive wheels, which are the part that the blade runs on, are made of plastic. These do not stand up to the abuse that the saws are exposed to, especially when the saw binds while cutting. The shaft gear is steel and chews up the inner gear on the drive wheels. An easy fix it to swap the front wheel with the rear wheel. When this is not possible I have a quick fix using JB Weld that seems to be holding up quite well.
Step 1: Remove the Rear Drive Wheel
Step 2: Make a Wax Mold of Wheel
Make sure that you create this wax mold using undamaged teeth.
Step 3: Add Epoxy to Mold
Step 4: Remove Mold and Reinstall Wheel
Step 5: In Overview
The JB Weld seems to holding up quite well , I did plan on using an industrial epoxy but JB Weld is only $ 5.99 at my local hardware store. In hind sight I should have ground or trimmed down the the teeth to the left and right of the worn teeth, these teeth were starting wear as well.
But they did not seem to affect the desired outcome.