Introduction: How to Restring Your Own Tennis Racquet
Here is a link to the video:
Step 1: Materials
All the materials you will need are the following:
1: The string you want on your tennis racquet, for a very good page to decide which string you would like, which is perfect for your play style, check out the link below.
2: A restringing machine which you can rent in your local tennis shops, or if you want to, buy on the internet or in shops. The average cost for lending a machine is 30 euros, while you can buy a machine from 200 euros reaching up to several thousand euros, depending o the quality of the machine and which type it is.
3: A tennis racquet which needs restringing
4: Pliers
5: If you want to clean the racquet you will need an old piece of cloth or any usual cloth
6: A screwdriver to straighten the string
Step 2: Step 1: Preparing the Racquet and the Mashine
1: Get rid of the old string by taking your pair of pliers and cutting between the strings, then take them out pulling one string at a time and be careful to to cut yourself as the cut of ends of the string can be painful if they poke you.
2: If the tennis racquet is dirty, take a damp piece of cloth and wipe of the dirt. If you want to go all the way, use a brush to get rid of excess dirt in any rills or holes.
3: Stabilise your frame into the machine by unscrewing the 4 main screws, which loosens the machine, and then inserting and pulling tight the racquet.
4: Set the pressure you would like to have on the racquet strings.
Step 3: Step 2: Inserting the String
To insert the string on the right side into the right hole when starting, here is a description, and if you cant find the right hole, check the picture below.
1: The radical mp series have the following dimensions:
2: Insert the string from the top into one of the two centre holes, pull the string through, and the insert the end of the string into the other center and pull through the hole. Both of the strings ends should now be on the top.
Step 4: The Mains
The main strings which are the vertical strings on the racquet are quite easy and with a little practice, you will master them with ease and in less than 20 minutes. The mains are generally less time consuming and not as confusing, as the crosses.
1: After inserting the string as shown in the step previous to this one, one inserts the next string on either side of the two mains, adjusts the fly clamp to the string next to the one you want to pull tight, and then pull tension.
2: The pattern is simple: Insert string, attach fly clamp to the one next to it, and then pull tension. Some useful tips may be to never pull tension when no fly clamp is attached to the string, as this could damage the racquets frame, and one thing to always bear in mind is to always go one side and then the other, so that you don't finish on one side and are only on the 3rd one on the other side, as this will bend the racquet if you pull high tensions.
Step 5: The Crosses
The crosses are a little more time consuming, however if you have fun restringing, then you will like this as this is more challenging and more exiting.
1: With the crosses, a method called the snake is used, which works in the way that you go under, over, under, and over the mains. Repeat this until you are on the other side.
2: I suggest to always do this twice then adjust the fly clamp, then pull tension, insert next string, then pull tension and so on so forth.
3: Repeat this until you are done with the crosses.
Step 6: The Knots
Step 7: What to Do to Keep Your Tennis Racquet in Good Condition?
Do’s and Dont’s:
Don't expose it to extreme heat or cold such as by leaving it in your car in summer or winter. A hot car can soften the graphite frame enough that the string tension will pull it out of shape and destroy the racket. Same with extremely cold temperatures, the frame could become brittle if left over longer time and might break of the string tension. Keep it out of the sun when not in use as this might cause deformation of the frame. Don't throw it on the floor or on any hard surface, bang it, or sit on it as the racket can break if hit on any surface. Avoid scraping it while picking up balls because constantly new scrapes can also have an impact on the functionality of the racket and furthermore they don't look very good. Put protective tape over those parts of the outer surface that you might scrape reaching for low balls or when picking up balls from the floor. These protect the racket from any scratches. Install a fresh over grip whenever your grip gets slippery and old, which can be determined if there are rips or wrinkles in the over grip. Having the racquet slip out of your hand is a common cause of breakage, and it can injure another player if it hits the opposer. String within the recommended pressure. If the restringing has a pressure that exceeds the maximum strength of the racquet, it might break, and the warranty might flourish. After playing with your racquet, apply a case around your racket to avoid heat, dirt and dampness, as this can cause rust or other damage to your racquet. If playing on sand court, and you have the time after playing take a cloth and clean the sand stuck in any rills, as the sand, if not cleaned, will stick in the rills forever. Avoid playing in rain and not drying your racket.
Step 8: How Often to Restring
How often to restring:
Tennis professionals and sports shops usually suggest to restring the tennis racket as often times as you play a week, excluding the action of restringing when breakage of the string. Usually, every time you are not happy and the tension loss is too much, you will want to restring your racquet either yourself or by a professional.