Introduction: How to Reuse the Old LCD Screen of Your Broken Laptop
This is a super simple but also very awesome project. You can turn any modern laptop screen into a monitor with the proper driver board. Connecting those two is easy as well. Just plug in the cable and done. But I took it one step further and also build a nice case from acrylic glass. Let's build it!
Step 1: Watch the Video!
The video gives you all information you need to build this right. But I will give you some help to order the correct LVDS driver board.
Step 2: Order the Correct Board!
Those LVDS controller boards are everywhere on the internet. If you are looking for a cheap one which can do DVI&VGA I would recommend this one (affiliate links):
I think the HDMI port increases the price very much. But here is the board that I used. Like I said it isn't cheap:
Step 3: Get Creative With Your Case!
I used acrylic glass to build my case. But everything is possible. Why not try wood or plastic? I would love to see your case ideas in the comment section.
Step 4: Success!
You just built your own monitor from an old LCD screen. That is kind of awesome.
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