Introduction: How to Save 11,644.07 on a Designer Lighting Fixture!
My wife and I posted almost exactly a year ago a request for ideas on how we could recreate the chandler pictured. We got mostly comments on how amazed people were that a light could cost almost 12K! In the past year we have worked hard remodeling our 1880 home to a modern contempory dwelling. So after a year we came full circle and were staring at our small dining room. We really wanted that light. Of course you know the economy being what it is, and well, we wouldn't have the money to buy this light in 3 liftimes. So, I contructed it myself. I have left out the details on the electrical wiring, I consulted my electricion friend and would advise you to do the same. FYI, its basic electrical work but I don't want you coming at me if you burn down your house. I hope you enjoy this. I'm excited to show off my work!
Step 1: The Goods
Ok. Once again IKEA pulls through with the Hemma light. We chose to go with 7 bulbs on our light since our dining room is not that large. The silver "cups" which cover the sockets were easy to find on the internet. The "canopy," which covers the wiring in the ceiling, I salvaged from an old lid to a dog container. The ring... It was the hardest thing to find for the lamp. I have to get points for imagination on this one. All I can say is if you visit an adult novelties store and look, you'll find what I used.
Step 2:
'After opening the light packaging, I unscrewed the shade holder that comes with the light and loosened the top plastic nut. With the pliers I broke off the plastic rim around the socket.
Step 3: Sizing Socket
Due to the size of chrome cups we bought online, I had to remove some of the socket so they would fit into the cups. This also smoothes out the lips I just broke off with the pliers. I used the beltsander to achieve this. I recommend gloves unless you don't like your skin. Yes I bite my nails alot.
Step 4: Snip Snip
Cut off the plugs; you won't need them.
Step 5:
Slide the chrome cup and plastic nut that comes with the light fixture over the wire
Step 6: Attaching Cups
If you removed enough of the socket the cup will slide right over it. Tighten down the plastic nut firmly.
Step 7: Measure and Remove Extra Wire
The Hemma light comes with ample wire. Cut it to the length you will need.
You might notice the invisible bookshelves in the background. Made those using an Instructable from another wonderful user.
You might notice the invisible bookshelves in the background. Made those using an Instructable from another wonderful user.
Step 8: Straighen Wire (optional)
In boiling water, I dipped the wire for 5 sec. Do not get the socket or end of the wire wet. Others might just recommend using weights and letting the wire hang for a few days.
Step 9: Pull It (opional)
Put your foot on the bottom of the wire and pull it upward. Caution! Pulling the wire too hard can break the copper inside.
Step 10: The Result of Straightening
See the difference?
Step 11: Bundle Wire
Ziptie wires together to make it easier to handle.
Step 12: Assembly and Wiring
After removing the handle from the dogbone lid, I drilled a 3/4" hole to feed the bundled wire through. The "ring"' was slid over the bundled wires. Once the wire was pulled through the hole, I used the zip tie to hold the wires and keep them from sliding back down. I made all the connections for the wires and made the final connections to the power source.
Step 13: Ring
Slide the ring over the wires
Step 14: Wires Through Canopy
After the wires were run through the canopy, I drilled two holes' to secure the canopy to the electrical box in the ceiling.
Step 15: Finished Light With Bulbs
This is the light powered up in the dining room. These are the same G40 bulbs used in the original light. I will tell you this light is as bright as the sun! The original also has 19 bulbs and I can only see it used in a huge home or large commercial space. We have it hooked to a dimmer so that it can be used at certain times.
Step 16: Comments
The original light uses cloth wire which I was able to find in white, then dyed red. I was unsure about using the wire so used the Ikea lights instead.
I would love to hear from anyone that has ideas on how to make this design more eco-friendly. While these bulbs are only 60W each I think it can be made better. Smaller bulbs take away from the size and design. I was thinking of running small led lights inside the bulb once the element burns out...some how.
Retail cost: $11,700, Instructable cost: $55.93
Hope you enjoyed my first Instructable!
I would love to hear from anyone that has ideas on how to make this design more eco-friendly. While these bulbs are only 60W each I think it can be made better. Smaller bulbs take away from the size and design. I was thinking of running small led lights inside the bulb once the element burns out...some how.
Retail cost: $11,700, Instructable cost: $55.93
Hope you enjoyed my first Instructable!