This is an instructable on how to set up your Nintendo Wii so that you are ready to play. This is meant for those who may find the game's directions to be a little confusing or hard to understand. This will give people a more visual way of how to set your Wii up. I first came up with the idea when I was trying to show my dad how to hook up our Nintendo Wii at our house. I got sick of showing him how to do it so this was for him.There are quite a few steps, but trust me it won't take very long at all to get through the instructable. So don't let it scare you.
Step 1: Introductions
This is me, Da Hand. I will be taking you through this instructable with a "hands on " point of veiw.
Step 2: The Doohickeys and the Whatchamacallits
This is all of the equipment that you will be working with. It can look kind of intimidating, but we will get through this. So don't run away just yet.
Step 3: Your System
This is your Nintendo Wii console that you will be hooking up. Not much to look at, but that's why it's so convenient. Their is the front view, the back view and the top view.
Step 4: Location, Location (side of TV)
Before we get too far into the process you must first decide where you are going to put your console. Because of intelligent engineering, there are two ways that you can place your console. Upright so that you can place it at the side of your TV.
Step 5: Location, Location (flat)
You can also set the console flat so that it cannot flop over just don't place in upsidedown. In case you are paranoid of what could happen.
Step 6: Memory Card
Some of you may still have a memory card from your previous system. This can be used with your Wii system to expand its memory.
Step 7: Insert Memory Here
Just open the cover on the top of the console and place it in the slot as I am doing in the picture below.
Step 8: AV Cable
This is the AV cable. You can tell this because it is the only cord in the box that has RCA plugs ( the yelleow, white, and red plugs!)
Step 9: Plugging the Adapter Into the Console
The other end of the AV cable will go into the back of the console. The end that you will be plugging in looks like the image below.
Step 10: Plug It In
The cord will go into the back like so.
Step 11: Colored Plugs
The other end with the RCA plugs will be plugged into the TV. The three plugs are; the video plug(yellow), the left audio plug(white), and the right audio plug(red).
Step 12: Plug in RCA Cables (front Version)
Make sure that when you plug in the RCA cables, you match up the colors with the colors on TV. You can do this in the front of your TV.
Step 13: Plug in RCA Cables (back Version)
You can do the same set-up for the RCA cables in the back as well, as shown in the image.
Step 14: The Sensor Bar
Next we have the sensor bar which looks like this. You use this so that your remote controller for your Wii can be used for gaming.
Step 15: The Red End
You will take the sensor bar's cord with the red end like in the picture.
Step 16: Plug This in Too
And place it into the back of the console next to the AV cable's plug. The plug-in will be red like the end of plug.
Step 17: Sensor Bar Placement (on the Bottom)
Now that you have connected the sensor bar you must choose a place to set it. Make sure that the bar is centered with the screen of the TV. You can choose either below the TV like I have done in this image.
Step 18: Sensor Bar Placement (on the Top)
Or you can place it somewhere on top, just as long as there is nothing in front of the bar to mess with the sensor.
Step 19: A Little More Clearance
You can also choose to put the sensor bar on the stand if you want. This will allow your sensor bar to peak over objects already on the TV. It will work whether you want to put the sensor bar on the stand or not, just make sure that the bar sits flat.
Step 20: AC Adapter
This is the AC adapter, it's the last cord you will have to deal with I promise. It looks like this.
Step 21: The DC Plug End
This is the DC plug that will plugged into the back of the console.
Step 22: Plug Into Console One More Time
It plugs in right below the AV cable as shown.
Step 23: Give It Some Juice!
Place the other end strait into the wall or in a power strip for safety reasons.
Step 24: Power Up!
Now you're finished. All that is left to do is turn it on by pressing the power button in the front-top corner of the console.
Step 25: How You Know It Works
When you turn it on, this is how it should look. If you don't see this screen make sure that you are on the right channel. Channels 3, 4 or a video channel will pull up this this screen.
Step 26: Sync UP
Next you have to synchronize your wii mote. Which isn't hard, just open the cover to the remote where you place the batteries in and press the red button.
Step 27: Flip the Cover
Then open the lid on the front of the console.
Step 28: Push the Red Button
And press the red button there like so. This should synchronize your remote.
Step 29: Final Touch
When you finish your synchronization, press A on your Wii-mote to see if your system will react to your controller.
Step 30: The Big Picture
If this screen comes up, you are good to go.
Step 31: Celebrate!
Good job! You have a successfully set up your Nintendo Wii! Way to go.