Introduction: How to Shave a Cat
Well I search the site but didn't find an instructables on this so decided to do my own.
This is not as complicated as you might think.
Basically I have a cat, a cat with a lot of fur. The summers in my appartment can get pretty hot. Altough my cat loves to go out on the balcony he stays indoors most of the time. I didn't do this just for him mind you, he sheds alot and I'm kind of alergic to cats (doesn't mean I don't love them nor that I can't have one). So with all these things in mind I decided to have him shaved for the summer.
At first I wanted to bring him to a pet store and have "pros" do it. Then I figured that it cost about 40$, with that money I could buy a half decent trimmer and do it myself.
Piece of advice from the start, don't go cheap on the trimmer. I bought the cheapest I could find and got what I paid for... it just didn't trim anything. Returned it and bought a 40$ one which worked fine!
Ok so on with the show!
Step 1: What You Need
- A yet unkowing but most likely unwilling participant.
- A trimmer
- Gloves (very optional)
- A table
- A trimmer
- Gloves (very optional)
- A table
Step 2: Shaving
At first I put on leather gloves, fearing that I would get clawed like there is no tomorow.
Turns out that he obviously didn't appreciate it but didn't struggle as much as I thought.
You do have to hold the cat firmly at some points but most of the time he didn't move that much. I think he knew what I was doing and at some point actually started enjoying it.
Now the problem that I mentionned earlier about the cheap trimmer can be seen in the pictures. Basically the one I bought wasn't powerfull enough to trim the fur but since I had already started I didn't want to leave him hanging so I cut most of it with cisors (bad idea... very long and alergies did catch up to me...)
Once I exchanged for the better trimmer it was a completely different storry. He, on the other hand was QUITE unwilling to go under a second time in 2 days... but I managed.
BE CAREFULL !!! when shaving the cat's belly... I didn't pay enough attention and actually cut one of his nipples, he didn't cry or whine but he was bleeding a bit.
Obviously be carefull with the privates as well as they are just as sensitive.
Having seen shaved cats before I kind of knew what the usual trim looks like so basically I left the end of the paws intact. The tip of the tail and didn't touch his head either.
I left a mohawk on his back...