Introduction: How to Solder a Bullet Connector With a Torch or Lighter
Here is a video showing how I solder bullet connectors, I find using this method fast and easy, no soldering iron required. This works well for me and hope it helps out any newbies out there starting out. The connectors I am soldering are the popular 3.5mm but this can be applied to any connector. I am using a micro torch, but you can also use a windproof butane lighter that has a blue flame, they are dirt cheap, I picked up mine at the dollarstore.
The steps are:
- strip the end of the wire you want to solder
- clamp and position the bullet connector and wire
- heat the connection joint
- apply solder to the connection joint
- allow to cool and then heatshrink wrap the connector and wire
Step 1: The Tools
The tools:
- Wire stripper is useful to have but you can use a knife
- Electrical solder, also know as rosin core solder (edit: if you use rosin core solder with PB (lead) the temperature needed to the soldering is much lower and the solder flows much nicer but it is lead...)
- Lighter for heat shrink tubing
- Mini Torch
- "Helping hand"
I don't actually have a real helping hand, I just made one from some alligator clips, electrical wire and stapled it to a piece of wood as a stand.
Step 2:
Pictures of:
- Bullet connector and wire held in the "helping hand"
- Finished connectors covered in heatshrink tubing.
Watch the video for the complete procedure.
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