Introduction: How to Update GAINER V1

About: An associate professor, currently teaching interaction design and prototyping at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS). Previously he worked for a major digital musical instrument company a…
This project describes how to update GAINER v1. At current moment (2006.3.8), a update tool is provided on Windows.

Step 1: Download a Copy of Update Tool

First, point your web browser to, then type "AN2100" into the "Search" tex box. Then you will find the application note: Programming - Bootloader: PSoC - AN2100.

When you found the application note, please download the associated support file (BOOTLOADER UPDATE_020905.ZIP), then unzip the support file.

Step 2: Download a Copy of Firmware

Point your web browser to the following URL:

Then scroll down the web page to find a latest release. When you found a latest release, you will find that several files are attached to the release. Please donwload "," then unzip the file.

Step 3: Launch the Update Tool

Open the unzipped update tool. You'll see several folders, then please open "TerminalProgram_v2." Double click on "BootLoader_PSoC" to launch.

Step 4: Connect a GAINER I/O Module

Connect a GAINER I/O module to your PC via a USB cable with keep pressing the button of the module. With this action, the I/O module entered update mode, and the LED of the module should be light. If not, disconnect the cable and try again.

Step 5: Choose a COM Port

Choose a proper COM port from the pull-down menu on the right side, then press the button labeled "CONNECT". You will see a message as "CONNECTED." If not, please make sure to choose a proper COM port and try again.

Step 6: Select a Hex File

Press the button labeled "Select HEX File" to open a file load dialog, and choose the unzipped firmware. The name of the unzipped firmware file will be "gainer_firmware_version-number.hex."

Step 7: Let's Update the I/O Module!

Press the button labeled "Program Device" to start a update process. You will see a progress bar, then wait a few minutes. Please do not touch your PC nor your I/O module while updating.