Introduction: How to Make a Smoke Bomb With Tape

This Instructable is a potentially dangerous but is quick, easy,cheap, and nontoxic(other than the smoke).I have only tested this once but I know it works.(sorry no pictures)

Step 1: Materials

pingpong ball
Aluminum foil
masking tape
bendy straw
lock blade

Step 2: Construction

First cut a 4by4 piece of aluminum foil and drill a straw size hole in the pingpong ball with the tip of your lock blade.

Step 3: More Construction

Now crumple up pieces of tape and stick them in the pingpong ball, when the pingpong ball is 3/4 of the way full of tape cut a 2 in. piece of the straw and stick it in then cover the pingpong ball and the straw in foil.

Step 4: Done!

To light it set it side ways and heat up the bottom(change the foil if needed).