Introduction: Homemade Paper

When I was in 5th grade or so, Our art teacher taught us how to make our own paper, and I remember that process to this day! So without Further Due Here is the Instructable.

Have some old Junkmail you never got around to throwing away? Have old bills That you don't Need? Don't trash them! Make new paper!

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Step 1: What You'll Need

What you'll need for this step is some pretty common things you'll find in a kitchen:

A blender
some sort of mesh screen Strainer
and, of coarse, used PAPER!

Step 2: First Thing You'll Want to Do

The first thing to do is Collect old papers / Magazines.

Step 3: Rip It Up

Rip all the paper up like so.

Step 4: Put SOME in the Blender

put some magazine in the blender, but not to much. about half is fine. don't compress it down at all.

Step 5: Add Water.

Add Water until it is about half way up.

Step 6: Blend Like You Mean It!


or until it looks like this....

Step 7: Now Go Outside With Strainer

Go outside with the strainer and blender, poor Contents of blender into strainer and....


Just keep shaking until no more water will Drip. then Proceed to Step 8.

Step 8: Apply and Let Dry!

Pour contents of Strainer onto Flat Surface. Then wait 24 hours then flip. then wait another 24 hours.

Step 9: Or If You Have Little Patience....

if you have little Patience, like me, get the hair dryer out.

Step 10: Just Kidding.

get The propane torch out. the paper should be dried within 30 minutes of slowly going over with it. Be sure not to hold it to close or you will set it on fire.

Step 11: And Done!

Admire your work. Make a love card, Write a Business memo, or fold it into origami, You just made your own paper!