Introduction: IBeauty Automatic Makeup Applicator
Team members
Jue Wu (1002916268) Tianyuan Yi (1003030427) Anni Zhang (1003105819) Rui Zhang (1003140157)
Introduction/ Motivation
Are you stressed about waking up early to put on makeup every morning? Have you ever felt insecure and uncomfortable leaving the house without having makeup on? Are you still worried about not keeping up with the hottest makeup trend?
All the frustration must! stops! now! With our new iBeauty machine, also known as the IB program, a complete makeup routine is done in under five minutes and provides you with the unique look tailored to your complexion!
The IB program is designed through a combination of postmodern and industrial aesthetics. It is much more than just a luxurious machine, but the transparent exterior allows for every work of detail to be explored. You can observe the beauty of the mechanisms while enjoying the application of makeup every morning.
The direction of using iBeauty is a no-brainer, catered to all gender and age groups. You only need to lean your head towards the sensors of the machine, it would automatically acknowledge your presence and start operating immediately. Your eyebrows, blush, lipstick will be applied consecutively in mere seconds, then, you are filled with confidence to walk out the door, knowing that you are the most beautiful person in the room, wherever you go.
Step 1: Design Failure
Sometimes, we can learn a lot more from failure than from success. The first design of our project aims to create a useless machine that is somehow like an oxymoron. A machine that helps people quit drinking while continuously pouring delicious alcohol to their death. Nevertheless, due to the enormous weight of the liquid in the machine and large chances to leak during the action of pushing the alcohol bag. This design failure leads us to a new design idea —— automatic makeup applicator!
Step 2: Changing Design Idea
The designs shifted into the second phase, making a machine that puts on make-up for individuals quickly who are in a rush. We invented this machine in response to the fast-pace living style of the 21st century. People who work from 9 to 5 and stay up until 3 in the morning for absolutely no good reasons daily don’t necessarily have the time to put on delicate make-up or have the courage to go to work without any make-up. Thus, this machine helps these individuals to put on make-up in just seconds. This machine contains three parts that put on different make-up: lipstick, eyebrow pencil, blush.
Step 3: Components and Theory
List of parts
- Gears *8
- Linkage *6
- UNO R3 Controller Board 1PC *2
- Stepper Motor *4
- ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Module *4
- Ultrasonic Sensor *2
- LCD1602 Module (with pin header 1PC) *1
- White LED *1
- Red LED *1
- Resistor *3
- USB Cable *2
List of makeup tools
- Eyebrows pencil *2
- Blush *1
- Lipstick *1
- Positive attitude (makes you beautiful)
List of material
- Transparent Acrylic board *3
- Sheet2.4cm plywood blocks *n
- WD40
- Pink glue
- Weldbond glue
List of Equipment
- Laser cutter
- Table saw
- Sanding machine
Step 4: Circuit and Theory
The ultrasonic sensors located in the centre of the machine detect human access by bounding off signals from the surface of the object nearby, and give back signals to the sensors, activating the motors to function. When the motor is operating, the rotation of the motor interacts with the centre point of the gears, and operate the gears in a circular motion. When two gears are rotated towards the centre, one being clockwise, and the other one being counterclockwise. Two linked linkages will produce horizontal movements. The stabilized position of linkages would enable different directions of movements, whether it is straight or in a circular motion. The circular motion of the gears allows the cosmetic products to be rotated accordingly so that when a face is leaned towards the sensors, the motors will be activated, and the gears will start in rotating motions to apply makeup.
Step 5: Machine Making and Mistakes
- Underrating the friction force of the material (Acrylic)
- The adhesiveness of the connection system
- Not encounter the height of the product itself
- Facial circumference varies between different users
Step 6: Programming
#include <Stepper.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> #define ecopin A2 #define trigpin A3long duration; long distance; int ledpin=6 ; const int stepsPerRevolution=32 ; const int stepsPerGeardRev=32*64 ; const int rs = 12, en = 11, d4 = 5, d5 = 4, d6 = 3, d7 = 2; LiquidCrystal lcd (rs,en,d4,d5,d6,d7); int StepsRequired ; Stepper myStepper(stepsPerRevolution, 8,10,9,7); bool ledpinStatus=false;
void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ecopin, INPUT); pinMode(trigpin, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT); myStepper.setSpeed(40); Serial.begin(9600); lcd.begin(16, 2); lcd.print("You're Beautiful"); }
void loop() { digitalWrite(trigpin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2);
digitalWrite(trigpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10);
digitalWrite(trigpin, LOW); duration = pulseIn (ecopin, HIGH); distance = duration/58.2; Serial.println (distance); delay(50); int sensorData=digitalRead(distance); if(distance <= 3){ if(ledpinStatus==false){ ledpinStatus=true; digitalWrite(ledpin,HIGH); if(ledpinStatus=true){ Serial.println("clockwise"); myStepper.setSpeed(120); myStepper.step(2400); digitalWrite(ledpin,LOW); delay(1000); } } else{ ledpinStatus=false; digitalWrite(ledpin,LOW); } } }
#include <Stepper.h>
#define ecopin A5 #define trigpin A4long duration; long distance; int ledpin=12 ; const int stepsPerRevolution=32 ; const int stepsPerGeardRev=32*64 ; int StepsRequired ; Stepper myStepper1(stepsPerRevolution, 8,10,9,7); Stepper myStepper2(stepsPerRevolution, 5,3,4,2); Stepper myStepper3(stepsPerRevolution, A0,A2,A1,A3); bool ledpinStatus=false;
void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ecopin, INPUT); pinMode(trigpin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT); myStepper1.setSpeed(60); myStepper2.setSpeed(60); myStepper3.setSpeed(60); }
void loop() { digitalWrite(trigpin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2);
digitalWrite(trigpin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(10);
digitalWrite(trigpin, LOW); duration = pulseIn (ecopin, HIGH); distance = duration/58.2; Serial.println (distance); delay(50); int sensorData=digitalRead(distance); if(distance <= 5){ if(ledpinStatus==false){ ledpinStatus=true; digitalWrite(ledpin,HIGH); if(ledpinStatus=true){ Serial.println("clockwise"); myStepper1.setSpeed(120); myStepper1.step(1200); myStepper2.setSpeed(120); myStepper2.step(1200); myStepper3.setSpeed(60); myStepper3.step(1200); digitalWrite(ledpin,LOW); delay(1000); } } else{ ledpinStatus=false; digitalWrite(ledpin,LOW); } } }
Step 7: Results and Reflection
As a result, this machine did function as we expected. However, it is useless and hard to control. There are multiple errors that people need to avoid if they want to recreate our IBeauty automatic makeup machine. Firstly, different makeup products have different height, therefore, the height of the machine need to manually adjust in order to achieve facial contact. Moreover, facial circumference varies widely for different people. Therefore, the applicator base needs to be able to move to accommodate different facial sizes. Finally, participants experience neck soreness after using the product. To solve this problem we need to rotate the machine vertically until the point where all the products are facing directly to our user's face.
Step 8: References and Credits
Online Resources
- The Simpsons Makeup Gun
- Nikkie tutorials
Team Members
Jue Wu
Tianyuan Yi
Anni Zhang
Rui Zhang
School Project
Useless Machine assignment for Computing Class at the Daniels Faculty of Architecture