- Materials for ice cream stick home
Make base with ice cream stick
Make rooms
Make room in upstairs
Make of steps to upstairs
Make safety handle in first floor
Finish the working process
Step 1: Materials for Ice Cream Stick Home
- ice cream sticks
- Hot glue gun
- scissors
- scale
Step 2: Make Base With Ice Cream Stick
- Arrange the ice cream first
- Put hot glue and stick it
- make it strong by take one stick and put it in down then it will become strong.
Step 3: Make Rooms
- Take the four equal measurement
- one side it should be ten sticks
- make four sides and stick it
- make it as a room
Step 4: Make Room in Upstair
- Take the correct measurement as took in first floor
- make the room as same
Step 5: Make of Steps to Upstairs
- make one stick and put glue in it
- make small steps using sticks
- Like that make two
Step 6: Make Safety Handle in First Floor
- take two sticks
- cut the middle
- make many small crossing
- make two sets and fix it
- also i have some expired pasta so i just put as a design
Step 7: Finish the Working Process
- fix it well and check
- put the glue in everywhere if required