Introduction: IOT Based Gas Leakage Detector

About: I am an Electronic Engineer with passion to work on projects. I have build various projects during my course of engineering. I have been the Data Acquisition head(DAS) and Technical Head in the past.


1 - Nodemcu (ESP8266)

2 - Smoke Sensor(MQ135)

3 - Jumper wires (3)

Step 1: Setting Up Arduino IDE

Download and install Arduino IDE. Add the Nodemcu board(refer youtube on how to add boards to arduino)

Install the libraries.

Step 2: CODE

link for the code.

Change the SSID name and password in the code.

Change the Ubidots token also as given in your account. Ubidots token will be alloted as soon as you create your Ubidots account. Ubidots token is available under API credentials.

Step 3: Setting Up Ubidots

Create a Ubidots account.

Once account is created click on DATA. Then select Dashboard. Click on the plus sign towards the left of the screen. Fill in the details. Once you are done click to add variables. Your ppm variable will be created by default. You can select the widgets as per your choice. I have selected Gauge type.

NOTE - Ubidots setup has to be done only after uploading the code. Also check if the Nodemcu is connected to the wifi name and password specified in the code.

Step 4: Save and Run

After completion the ppm value will be uploaded to the Ubidots cloud.

We can even retrieve the values for data analysis.