Introduction: IR Relay Remote Control

This Project is based on TSOP IR receiver; IC 555; IC 7474; BC 187.Here we have made use of TSOP 1738, an IR receiver which detects the IR rays from the remote. IC NE555 is the next important part which produces a clock pulse for toggling the D flip flop.The relay helps to connect any electrical devices to the circuit and you can control any electrical equipment, like light and fan. You must need regulated power supply of 5 volt to do this circuit because TSOP requires 5v. Its voltage should not exceed 5V.

Step 1: Breadboard Implementation

Component List:



IC 7805

IR TSOP 1738-1



Relay 5v-1



transformer 6v dc-1

Bread board

wire cutter

jumper wire or gpio wire

Step 2: Circuit Diagram

Step 3: PCB

PCB implementation

Step 4: Complete Test and Run of the Project