Introduction: IR Remote Control System

This allows you to control and switch electronic devices such as lights using a remote control. Thus a remote controlled system. In summary, a remote control sends infrared signal to the main control hub that remotely and wirelessly controls switches elsewhere

Step 1: Parts and Tools Required

The parts required include:

  • Arduino Nano (x2)
  • NRF24L01 RF Transceiver(x2)
  • IR Receiver - TSOP4383, TSOP4838 etc(x1)
  • Jumper Wires
  • Breadboard or PCB(x2)
  • Accessory Sensor - LDR, PIR,Temperature Sensor etc(Optional)
  • 220 Ohm Resistor(x2)
  • 1-10 Farad Capacitor(x2)
  • 220 - 5v Power Supply (Reference Below for makeshift options)
  • 9v Battery(x1)
  • Breadboard Power Supply
  • Antennae(Optional)
  • Relay 5v(x1)
  • NPN Transistor
  • LED (x1 - Optional)
  • Screw terminal Connectors

The tools for the job are:

  • Soldering gun
  • Hot glue gun
  • Screwdriver

The libraries are:

Step 2: Power Supply Units

The Power may be tapped directly from ac power for example by using a 220v - 9v transformer and linear voltage regulator such as L7805. An alternative way may be battery power by hooking it directly to VIN pin of arduino.

A makeshift way be using an old cell phone charger that steps down ac current to safe 5v for arduino. A breadboard with two power supplies can be used to switch between ac current and battery power in case of a power shortage/failure.

Step 3: The IR Remote Control Hub

The chosen power supply should be hooked up to the arduino to its VIN pin. The IR Receiver should be connected to 5v via an optional resistor and to ground.The GND pin should be connected to GND of arduino. The data pin could be connected to any accessible digital I/O pin and the pin used should be the same in the code. The schematic above is a guide.

The NRF24L01 needs to be connected as follows:

  • GND to Arduino's Ground
  • VCC to 3.3v
  • CE to pin 9
  • CSN to pin 10
  • SCK to pin 13
  • MOSI to pin 11
  • MISO to pin 12
  • IRQ not connected

The NRF24L01 must be connected to 3.3v to avoid damage to it. The ceramic cap/capacitor can be soldered to the power terminals of the transceiver.

An accessory sensor such as an LDR can be optionally added and used to control auto brightness in a room or temperature sensor to control cooling utilities based on user preference.

Step 4: Remote Switches

The ac current in is tapped to acquire power for arduino to run. This is achieved by the power supply system used from step 2.

The relay pin is connected to a digital I/O pin that is the same in the arduino code to be uploaded in the arduino above.If the relay is not purchased on a relay board then an NPN transistor must be used to amplify current required for the relay's coil and functioning.The relay must also be a 5v relay and instructed voltage and current on it must not be surpassed.

The NRF24L01 is connected the same as above according to the pin-out image provided and connections in step 2.

Step 5: The Code

Use the 'IR_Remote.ino' to get hexadecimal signal from IR remote and copy paste the hexadecimal digits to the 'NRF24L01_Transmitter_Module.ino' that is uploaded to the control center's arduino.

The remaining receiver code 'NRF24L01_Receiver_Module' is uploaded to the receiver arduino connected to the relay system.

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Microcontroller Contest 2017

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Microcontroller Contest 2017