Introduction: Igloo Guitar Talk Box Instructions
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Here are the instructions to making a guitar talk box out of a battery powered amp and an igloo cooler.
You need the following
1 small guitar amp
1 small cooler
1 Rubber Tubing
Foam rubber
Guitar or keyboard, a Guitar cord, amp and Mic
Step 1: Connect Tube
Drill a whole in the front of the cooler for the rubber tube.
Step 2: Connect Cables
Drill a whole in the side of the cooler for the power and guitar cables.
Step 3: Insert the Amp
Push plastic tube through so that it touches the speaker grill on the amp.
Step 4: Hook Up the Amp
Place the amp in the center of the cooler and plug in the guitar cable and power.
Step 5: Add the Sound Insalation
Add stuffing all around the amp.
Step 6: More Sound Proofing
Try to find thick sound proof foam. This one a memory foam pillow.
Step 7: All Done Now Play
Close up the cooler and plug in your guitar.
Step 8: The Mic and the Talk Tube.
Hook up a mic and put this tube in your mouth. Open and close your mouth to make the different sounds.
Check out this video to see it in action.
Check out this video to see it in action.