Introduction: Igloo Guitar Talk Box Instructions

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Here are the instructions to making a guitar talk box out of a battery powered amp and an igloo cooler.

You need the following

1 small guitar amp
1 small cooler
1 Rubber Tubing
 Foam rubber
Guitar or keyboard, a Guitar cord, amp and Mic

Step 1: Connect Tube

Drill a whole in the front of the cooler for the rubber tube.

Step 2: Connect Cables

Drill a whole in the side of the cooler for the power and guitar cables.

Step 3: Insert the Amp

Push plastic tube through so that it touches the speaker grill on the amp.

Step 4: Hook Up the Amp

Place the amp in the center of the cooler and plug in the guitar cable and power.

Step 5: Add the Sound Insalation

Add stuffing all around the amp.

Step 6: More Sound Proofing

Try to find thick sound proof foam. This one a memory foam pillow.

Step 7: All Done Now Play

Close up the cooler and plug in your guitar.

Step 8: The Mic and the Talk Tube.

Hook up a mic and put this tube in your mouth. Open and close your mouth to make the different sounds.
Check out this video to see it in action.