Introduction: Improvement of Make Your 'helping Hands' 100x More Useful for Soldering / Gluing Small Parts

This is a reply of "make your 'helping hands' 100x more useful for soldering / gluing small parts". I took the improvements that leevonk made and made some of my own including adding heat shrink to the end of all of the screws and inside the hands to improve them so that they did not either spin, come out, or crush.

My largest contribution to this is instead of having the holder that had formerly held the magnifying glass on the left side of the middle instead of on the same side as the other hand. This makes it so you can move them easily further apart. To make the hands really close just move the middle holder of the bar all the way to the right and move the left hand all the way to the right as well. This makes it much easier to hold about anything.