Introduction: Industrial Coffee Table and End Tables

I had a chance to take some old book cart and a couple of maintenance carts and turn them into industrial furniture for a new technology center in a book factory. It was a really fun project where I got complete creative freedom. I hope you enjoy and it inspires you to be creative.

Step 1: Step One Disassemble

So in getting the book carts and maintenance carts back to the shop it was time to clean them up and start taking them apart. Once that was done it was on to taking the old bed frames apart so I could use the angle. Then it was time to start welding and coming up with a design.

Step 2: The Finished Product

So after all the welding was done I used a paint to paint all the frames. Then I added the wood in and put a finish on all of it. Then it was time to deliver this was a really fun project.

Metalworking Contest

Participated in the
Metalworking Contest