Introduction: Infinite Looping Sleep Sheep Hack
I made a simple alteration to the Sleep Sheep to make it loop forever instead of the 23 or 45 mins (this was a big problem at our house since our 1.5 yr old would wake up after the sheep stopped and demand we put it back on...several times a night). This hack did 2 things:
1) switch the battery input to a 3V regulated AC adapter source to do away with changing the batteries all the time
2) pick up on one of the buttons/switches (you can only choose one sound) and wire it to an Arduino LilyPad board to loop pressing the chosen switch every 40 mins to keep the thing going forever.
The wiring is simple (don't have a diagram). You need to open the SleepSheep module and rewire the DC input to connect it to an AC adapter and then add two wires to the little switch module for the sound you wish to repeat. You then also have to wire in 2 wires parallel to the DC input to power the Arduino as well (warning: the LilyPad only takes 2.7-5.5V DC input and will fry if you go outside those limits!!). See info sheet here:
- some wires
- 3V AC adapter (I had a switchable one but it's easy enough to get or even make)
- soldering iron
- voltmeter
- Arduino LilyPad board (I got mine from Gearbest: - $5.28 USD)
- FTDI USB uploader for the Arduino (since LilyPad does not come with a USB input) - I also got this from Gearbest: - $2.37 USD):
- drill for drilling some holes into the module (for DC input and button wires)
See image for the wiring: DC input wires connect to the LilyPad (+ and - labeled on the board). Positive end of the switch connects to pin 11 on the LilyPad and the negative end connects to a ground (I picked up on the bootloader ground pin which is pin 6 I believe - you can check with a voltmeter that you get a beep across it and the negative DC input).
The code for the Arduino is as follows:
void setup() {
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(11, LOW);
pinMode(11, INPUT);
That's it!! Enjoy :)