Introduction: Infrared LED Flashlight

This flashlight uses High-Output Infrared LED's that seems invisible to the naked eye, but when seen on camera, it shows as working LED's. It is also the first Infrared Instructables posted.

Step 1: Materials

1.  6-LED flashlight
2.  6 High-Output Infrared LED's (RadioShack)
3.  Soldering Iron
**This can work with any LED flashlight**

Step 2: First...

Take apart the flashlight.

Step 3: Second...

1.  Locate the circuit board and De-solder the 6 white LED's
2.  Solder in the 6 High-Output Infrared LED's being careful to check the polarity

Step 4: Lastly... Assemble the Flashlight!!!

Assemble the flashlight!!!

You now have an Infrared flashlight that can only be seen on camera . . . what will you do with it?!