Introduction: Install Arduino IDE 1.8.2 on Linux
When I tried to install the Arduino IDE 1.8.2 on Linux like the
guidance on the Arduino website proposes, the install script returns multiple errors and i got very frustrated.
To prevent others from getting in that mood, I will share my solution, which i found, with you.
You only have to make little changes in the script and the installation will run flawlessly. This tutorial is for version 1.8.2 !
Step 1: Download the Arduino IDE
Go to => Software and download the package which fits to your system.
Step 2: Extract
Go to your Downloads directory and right-click on the downloaded arduino-1.8.2-linux64.tar.xz file or whatever your file is called.
Then click extract here and wait until you see two Arduino folders.
Step 3: Open Terminal
Go to your Downloads directory with
cd Downloads
and delete the compressed file with
sudo rm -r arduino-1.8.2-linux64.tar.gz
Then move your extracted Arduino file into the opt directory with
sudo mv arduino-1.8.2 /opt
Change into /opt directory and into the Arduino folder
cd /opt/arduino-1.8.2
Edit the script with
sudo nano
Search in the script for the line "RESOURCE_NAME=cc.arduino.arduinoide" and change it to "RESOURCE_NAME=arduino-arduinoide".
Step 4: Installation
Now make the script executable with the command
sudo chmod +x
and execute it with
Now you will not see any errors or bugs for the installation and you have the Arduino IDE flawlessly installed!