Introduction: Install a Maverick Upgrade Kit for a Klein Palomino
The Klein Palomino is a great bike, but if you put in any decent amount of miles, every 6 months you need to replace the bushings in the rear suspension. Maverick released an upgrade kit and this is how to install it.
It comes with a peice of paper describing the install... but its a little sparse.
It comes with a peice of paper describing the install... but its a little sparse.
Step 1: Parts
Maverick Palomino Upgrade Kit :
10mm Socket
Bottom Bracket Tool
8mm allen wrench
10mm allen wrench
Torque wrench with 4mm allen and 15mm socket
Blue Locktite
Green Locktite
Maverick Palomino Upgrade Kit :
10mm Socket
Bottom Bracket Tool
8mm allen wrench
10mm allen wrench
Torque wrench with 4mm allen and 15mm socket
Blue Locktite
Green Locktite
Step 2: Remove the Cranks
Remove the cranks
I had to use a 10mm allen wrench.
I had to use a 10mm allen wrench.
Step 3: Remove the Bottom Bracket
use you BB tool to remove it from the frame.
Step 4: Remove Front Derailleur
Remove Front Derailleur it is attached with just one allen bolt.
Step 5: Loosen the Two Lower Shock Bolts. DO NOT REMOVE
Loosen the two lower shock bolts. DO NOT REMOVE
Step 6: Remove the Stock Rocker Arm Bolts
Remove the stock rocker arm bolts.
When you remove the two 5mm allens, then use an 8mm allen to push out the long pivot bolt.
When you remove the two 5mm allens, then use an 8mm allen to push out the long pivot bolt.
Step 7: Remove the Old Bushings
Tap out the old bushings, I had an 11mm socket that fit perfectly.
Step 8: Clean the Surface of the Frame
Clean off the surface of the frame where the bushings were. Use something soft like a tire lever, the frame is aluminium afterall.
Step 9: Put Green Locktite on the Brass Fittings
Put green locktite on the brass fittings.
Step 10: Press Them in to the Frame
Press them in to the frame using the "tool" which is just a bolt...
the brass fitting is on the INSIDE of the frame, not the outside...
the brass fitting is on the INSIDE of the frame, not the outside...
Step 11: Install the New Monolink
Install the monolink in the frame.
Insert the black bolts from the drive side of the bike.
If you are having trouble look inside the bearings and notice the metal sleeve might not be lined up, just use a screwdriver and put it back in place.
Insert the black bolts from the drive side of the bike.
If you are having trouble look inside the bearings and notice the metal sleeve might not be lined up, just use a screwdriver and put it back in place.
Step 12: Nuts
Apply blue locktite on to the nuts and tighten them to 100 in/pounds
Step 13: Tighten the Lower Shock Bolts
tighten the lower shock bolts to 75 in/pds
Step 14: Reinstall Front Derailleur and Cranks
Step 15: Just Some Observations
Just compare the two parts. New one is longer and has bearings not bushings, I dig that...