Introduction: Installing VirtualBox and Setting-up Windows 8.1

This tutorial will go over how to install VirtualBox, an operating system simulation application, and how to set the system up for Windows 8.1.

Step 1: Downloading VirtualBox

Stop by the VirtualBox website and download the application:

There are multiple versions to choose from so choose the version that is compatible with your operating system ( Windows for instance).

Step 2: Installing VirtualBox

If the application is dowloaded correctly, click "next" to get to the next part of the installation.

Step 3: Selecting Features

Now you've come to the custom set-up page. This is where you can toggle particular aspects of the program. I would recommend going with the default settings and clicking "next."

Step 4: Setting Up Shortcuts and Registering Files

For this step, I would recommend setting up at least a desktop shortcut where you can easily access the program, and registering the files. Click "next."

By registering the files, you are initializing the application files to be used with the application.

Step 5: Reseting Network Interfaces

Click "Yes"

At this stage, you will be warned that the network connection will be cut off temporarily. This is necessary to re-calibrate the network for VirtualBox.

Step 6: Completing the Installation

We are now ready to complete the installation. Click "Install" to start the process.

This may take a few minutes.

Step 7: Starting VirtualBox

VirtualBox will automatically start, but if it doesn't locate the program on your computer and fire it up.

Step 8: Creating a New Virtual Machine

Click "Machine" at the top, and select both the type and version of the operating system you would like to install. In this case, we are installing Windows 8.1 32 GB version.

Step 9: Allocating Main Memory Space

For this step, I would recommend going with the default memory size. Click the default and click "next."

Step 10: Creating a Virtual Hard Disk

Just like your computer, this virtual operating system needs a hard drive to reside on. Click "create a virtual hard disk" and then click "next."

Step 11: Selecting Virtual Hard Disk Type

You have several options here. I would personally recommend selecting "virtualBox disk image." Click "next."

Step 12: Selecting Storage Type

You have two options here: dynamically allocated and fixed size. Select either one and click "next"

Dynamically allocated means it will only take up space on your actual hard drive as it fills up. With fixed size, it may take a longer amount of time to allocate space, but it is generally faster.

Step 13: Choosing File Location and Size

Choose a location to place this hard disk, and select the size. My recommendation for the size is 32 GB. Click "create" and complete the process.

Step 14: Starting Your Operating System Simulation

If all goes well, you should see your OS in the left window on the main page of VirtualBox. Click your OS and click "start" at the top.

Step 15: Select Your OS File

In order to complete this step, you need a copy of Windows 8.1 installed on your hard drive. Select the location of your Windows 8.1 install file and press "start."

Step 16: Installing Windows 8.1

Enter in the necessary information and follow all the prompts, and you should have Windows 8.1 installed on VirtualBox in no time!