Introduction: Installing a Temperature Gauge in a Gas Grill
Anyone who has priced gas grills knows that there is a significant price step up between those that have a temperature gauge (man talk for thermometer) and those that don't. Having the gauge makes it a lot easier to cook items that require more grilling time and more specific temperatures than burgers and dogs. It can also facilitate the use of the grill instead of the oven in hot summer months. What they don't want you to know is that for $8 and about 10 minutes of your time you can upgrade any grill.
I bought my grill about four years ago at Big Lots! for about $60. The after three years, the burner was rusted out and it was in pretty bad shape. I was ready to drop a few hundred on a new one, but then I decided for much less money and a little work I could get it into full working order. I replaced the burner (which I should have made an instructable for, but didn't think to until later) and stained the wood parts. After I replaced the lava rocks it was time to take it up to the next level; making it better than it was when I bought it. That is where installing the Temperature Gauge comes in.
I bought my grill about four years ago at Big Lots! for about $60. The after three years, the burner was rusted out and it was in pretty bad shape. I was ready to drop a few hundred on a new one, but then I decided for much less money and a little work I could get it into full working order. I replaced the burner (which I should have made an instructable for, but didn't think to until later) and stained the wood parts. After I replaced the lava rocks it was time to take it up to the next level; making it better than it was when I bought it. That is where installing the Temperature Gauge comes in.
Step 1: Materials Needed
For this project you will need:
· Gas Grill
Temperature gauge (available for $8 at hardware stores where grills are sold)
· Drill
· 5/16” drill bit (capable of drilling through metal)
· Tape measure
· Hammer
· Nail (to punch guide)
Step 2: Take Measurements
Measure the gauge and the surface of the of the grill lid to determine where to punch the guide. I decided to center mine, but you could put it anywhere.
Step 3: Drill Hole
This step is pretty self explanatory. Use the guide you punched with the nail to drill your hole for the gauge.
Step 4: Install the Gauge
The back of the gauge is threaded with a wingnut to hold it in place. Remove the wingnut, stick the threads through the hole, and tighten the wingnut on the inside of the grill lid.
Step 5: Enjoy
Now that you have installed a temperature gauge it is time to enjoy it. I decided to celebrate by cooking a Tri-tip, which requires a constant temperature of between 400 and 450 degrees Fahrenheit.