Introduction: Instamorph Octopen Holder
This was made at the #HackerspaceCharlotte instructables #buildnight April 2015.
It can hold pens/tools/paintbrushes... whatever your nautical heart desires. Lets get started...
Step 1: Bill of Materials
Bill of materials:
Pack of 6oz instamorph
Heat gun
Device to boil water (we used a kettle)
Device to hold water (we used a pie tin)
Device to keep water warm (we used a hot plate - not pictured)
and a pen/paintbrush/screw driver (we used a pen)
Step 2: Prepare the Instamorph!
Heat the water to 140 - 160 F (be careful not to burn yourself in the process)
Empty packet of instamorph into water for at least two minutes.
Step 3: Molding and Making
Create a base disc about 6 inches in diameter and set aside .
Pull pieces of instamoroph out and roll it into desired tentacle shape.
Using a pen/paint brush to measure out how the shape and size should solidify once cooled.
After you’ve made your eight tentacles place them on the disc base.
Gently and carefully using the heat gun, you can reheat the base of the tentacle to apply end to the base disc.
Then, using a palm sized ball of instamorph and knead into dome shape about 6 inces in diameter to cover the base disc and tentacles.
If you have any instamorph beads left over, you may use them on the tentacles as suction cups using your tweezers.
At this point your octopen holder may need some tweeking. Carefully use your heat gun to adjust the directions the pens are pointing until you reached desired aesthetic.
Step 4: Enjoy
After instamorph has dried you may use it as your heart so desires.