Introduction: ME 470 Adding Decals to SolidWorks Parts & Assemblies

In This Instructable:

1. How to place Decals on Faces of Existing Parts or Assemblies

2. How to Create Decals with Free Online Label Maker

Basic Steps for Decal Placement:

• Create Part or Assembly

• Go to Appearance tab in Feature Tree Window

• Right-Click in bottom of Window

• Browse for saved decal or select SolidWorks provided decal

• Select Face you want to add Decal and press OK

• Adjust location, size, and angle of decal on selected face

Step 1: Placing Decals on Existing Parts and Assemblies

In this video:

  1. Adding Custom Logos to standard glass bottle
  2. Adding "Power-T" logos to a standard football helmet
  3. Adjusting Position of said logos on face of bottle and helmet
  4. Altering Size of said logos
  5. Altering Angle of said logos

Step 2: Creating Custom Decals on Free Online Label Maker

In this Video:

  1. Designing Custom Logo on Free Online Website
  2. Utilizing Snipping Tool to Save Image in appropriate form for SolidWorks Use

Step 3: ScreenShot Step 1: Create Part or Assembly

Step 4: ScreenShot Step 2: Find Appearance Tab From Feature Window

Step 5: ScreenShot Step 3: Right Click at Bottom of Window and Select "Add Decal"

Step 6: ScreenShot Step 4: Select "Browse" to Search for Desired Decal

Step 7: ScreenShot Step 5: Select Desired Decal From Files

Step 8: ScreenShot Step 6: Select Desired Face on Part or Assembly

Step 9: ScreenShot Step 7: Adjust Size of Decal

Step 10: ScreenShot Step 8: Adjust Center of Position

Step 11: ScreenShot Step 9: Adjust Angular Position of Decal If Needed

Step 12: ScreenShot Step 10: Select Green Check Mark When Decal Placement Is Complete