Introduction: Instructables - HOW TO CHECK THE BRAKE PADS

About: English is not my first language. I use Google Translator and patience of friends to write Instructables. Feel free to point out style, syntax or grammatical errors. Actually I work in TECHSHOP Menlo Park CA …
This is my toy car, I had a trip planned to San Francisco and thought it might be a good idea to do a brake check and make any needed repairs.

Believe it or not, I am not an experienced mechanic.  I have a garage full of tools and some experience though I find it to be a better experience using  the TechShop it do any mechanical repairs, in this case checking my brake pads.

Step 1:

I am a member, than I signed in and requested my tools from the front desk at the TechShop located in Menlo Park, CA

Step 2:

Then, I got some equipment in the Techshop garage.

Step 3:

I released the bolts of both rear wheels

Step 4:

and lifted the car

Note, I am lifting the rear of the car and you can see the gear box, that is because the Porsches 944 intend to have the perfect balance between front and back, they have the gear box in the back.  cool no? :)

Step 5:

I will now completely release the bolts

Step 6:

Remove the wheels

Step 7:

Upon inspection it seems the brakes are in good shape

No repairs needed at this time :)

For re-assembly follow that previous steps in reverse order.
Once assembled, clean the tools and equipment and
return to the Techshop garage and the front desk to sign-out.

Yep, I made it at Techshop :)