Introduction: Intarsia Jack Russel - Makers Care 2016
Makers Care 2016 - Intarsia Jack Russel - Wacky Wood Works
Part of the Makers Care 2016 challenge and fund raiser... please go to and make a donation.
This project is outside of my comfort zone as I have never done this type of scroll saw work before... but I will admit I used the band saw as well.
First I found some material to use a piece of pine and a piece of rimu. I put through the thicknesser to get them the same thickness. I then use blue painters tape and cover the boards before sticking down the template. The tape makes it so easy to peel the template off with out leaving any residue on the material. Cut the separate colours out on the template... I found that have a couple of print outs helped. I also found that keeping the separate colors in blocks also as it makes it easier for making the same color parts to fit.
Then stick the template on top of the painters tape using spray adhesive... if you have some, you can the put a layer of packing tape. The packing tape helps lubricate the scroll saw blade. I used the band saw to cut out the outside the edge cut out of the series of blocks... I then used the scroll saw to cut the smaller pieces out of the larger block pieces. I took my time doing this... but I still need a lot of practise...
Once all the pieces are cut out i then used my rotary tool to sand the edges and try to make them fit that little bit better... I then clamp a sander to my bench and give a final sand of the face of the material before I start the glue up.
I use a simple piece of hardboard for the background and glue the pieces together... and I decide not to even frame the piece. The I use a clear lacquer for a finish and
Rimu's facebook page...
For free template click here