Introduction: Intel Edison AirQualitySensor

This project is about using Intel Edison as a core of the AirQuality Sensor Station.
Edison will use BlueTooth Low Energy to send all sensor data to any app. Your smart phone can subscribe to it and read all services characteristics .

Equipments Used

  • Intel Edison
  • Alcohol Gas Sensor - MQ3
  • Methane Gas Sensor -MQ4
  • LPG Gas Sensor - MQ6
  • Carbon Monoxide Sensor - MQ7
  • Temperature and Humidity Sensor - Spark Fun HTU21D

The project was developed using NodeJS as a server and Noble and Bleno as a BLE central module.

Step 1: Wiring UP All Sensors

MQ4 and MQ6 have the same wiring instructions. MQ3 and MQ7 are different.

Step 2: Setup Edison

  1. Open your terminal and log into your Edison
    • screen /dev/xx.usbserial-XXXXXXXX 115200 –L
  2. Configure Your Edison and WiFi
    • configure_edison --setup
    • configure_edison --wifi
  3. Modify Edison Base-feeds.conf to make Edison's BlueTooth Work
    • rfkill unblock bluetooth and systemctl disable bluetooth
    • vi /etc/opkg/base-feeds.conf (open and insert only following lines)
      src/gz all
      src/gz edison
      src/gz core2-32
    • Run: opkg update and opkg install bluez5-dev
    • Run: npm install -g async, npm install noble and npm install bleno
    • Finish with: rfkill unblock bluetooth and hciconfig hci0 up

Step 3: Clone NPM Repository

Clone my AirQuality Sensor GitHub Repository and Upload the project to Edison with Intel XDK

Step 4: Open Any Bluetooth Low Energy App

Open any Bluetooth Low Energy App and connect to you AirQuality Sensor Station (I am using LightBlue App for iPhone).

You will see the station service and all sensor characteristics. You can subscribe to receive notification for any sensor.