Introduction: Intel Edison Opecv Image Recognition With AfricasTalking SMS Gateway (node Mailer)

In this instruct-able we are using Opencv Image recognition such that when a specific image is recognized a text will be sent to a user using AfricasTalking Sms gateway.This tech can be applied in security such that when an intruder is recognised an sms will be sent to specific authority.How cool is that :-)

Step 1: Step 1: Replacing Yocto Linux With Ubilinux

The Intel Edison comes with Yocto Linux pre-installed. Yocto is a small version of Linux which is suited for many IOT project, but it does not include the Linux sendmail program and Yocto also does not include an apt-get capability to install sendmail, so I chose the alternate route of installing Ubilinux for the Intel Edison. I will not go into details on how to do this since it is documented here: Getting Started with ubilinux in Intel edison and also here: Once ubilinux is installed, it is simple to install sendmail using apt-get

apt-get install sendmail

Note: Someone with better Linux expertise may be able to get sendmail to work on Yocto linux, but that can be their Instructable ;)

download ubilinux from Ubilinux Download

Step 2: Step 2: Updating the Mraa Library

The mraa library is used to provide an interface to the Edison I/O. Most of the mraa I/O functions worked when I installed Ubilinux, but the LCD display did not. I followed these steps to update the mraa library Note: This instructable used Ubilinux version: ubilinux-edison-150309. If a later version of Ubilinux includes updates to the mraa library, this step may no longer be needed.

for more visit

Step 3: Step 3: the Node.js Source Code

The code can be found here: Mukira Node-Mailer

After you clone this github repository, you should see the following files and sub-directories:
config/ logs/ LICENSE main.js package.json

main.js: This file contains the main program. package.json: This file contains version information. config/default.json: This is the configuration file. You will need to modify this file to add your email account information. Note: Since file will contain your email account name and password information, you should be careful with the security of this file. (don't allow access to it by unauthorized users). logs: This sub-directory will contain a log of email sent. LICENSE: MIT open-source license.

Step 4: Step 4: Install the Required Node Modules Using Npm Install

The following node.js modules need to be installed (run the following command from within the directory that contains your code)

npm install nodemailer

npm install winston

npm install configAfter this step, your code directory should have a new sub-directory called node_modules config/ logs/ node_modules/ LICENSE main.js package.json

Step 5: Step 5: Update Config/default.json

You will need to update this file with your email account information.

"user": "your_email_address_goes_here", "password": "your_email_password_goes_here", "service": "your_email_service_goes_here",user: This is your email address (the full address with the .com extension) password: Your email password service: "Yahoo" or "Gmail" (other services may be possible but I have not tried them) Note: Since file contains your email account name and password information, you should be careful with the security of this file. (don't allow access to it by unauthorized users).

Step 6: Step 6: Connect the Ip Camera

Follow the instructions for setting up the image recognition in intel edison from my github account

Step 7: Step 7: Run the Program

In the code directory, run this command:

node main.js

If all previous steps were successful, then each time an image is recognized the Edison should send a sms/email to the test address that you configured in the config.default.json file.

Step 8: Step 8: Acknowledgements

Acknowledgment to Graham from Aficastalking with whom the project would be a success