Introduction: Intel Edison Case

About: lost my arm at 18, now I'm hacking stuff for disabled people (or animals)
Creating a case for my Edison, using a recycled iPhone case package.

Step 1: Case Selection

I picked a clear case, so cutting the holes would be easier. Make sure you have enough room to fit it, but small enough that plugging stuff in is easy.

Step 2: Marking Cut-outs

Now mark the plastic over top of all the ports and switches.

Step 3: Dremel Away!

Now we dremel away all the plastic covered in marker (all the ports and switches). Test fit once and awhile to make sure the plugs and wires fit.

Step 4: Assembly

I used double sided tape to hold the Edison in, and a zip tie or tape to hold it shut. I put the little breadboard (I just had laying around) on top.