Introduction: Interfacing Altimeter MS5067 With Linkit-One
MS50XX series is the series of altimeters Meas-Specs, uses air pressure measurement to estimate the altitude. Here I'm gonna use MS5607 unit
Step 1: Connections
MS5607 : Linkit
- GND : gnd
- VIN : 3V3
- CS : D12
- SCL : A5/SCL
- SDA : A4/SDA
Step 2: Code
We use intersema header file which works with the raw data from the sensor and gives us data understood by us ie. in centimeters.
Also we compile and upload our own code. I have uploaded my own code (MS5607) with the instructable. You can write your own.
NOTE: Copy the intersema.h file with the libraries in the arduino folder
usually: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\arduino-1.6.5-r2\libraries
Step 3: Compile, Run, Output
Compile and Upload the code to the linkit one
Wait for atleast 10 seconds to get stable output with (-/+)20 cm accuracy/