Introduction: Internet Connected Heart Rate Monitor
Compact and sturdy heart rate monitor . Post avg heart rate to blynk server every 30sec
1.Node MCU V3
2.MAX30102 pulse sensor
3.soldering Iron
4. Blynk setup
5.Arduino ide with blynk and max30102 libraries
Step 1: Connection
Connections are very simple
1. SCL D1
2.SDA D2
3.VCC 3.3V
Step 2: Sketch
Upload the attached sketch
Edit your blynk credential in the sketch
Edit your wifi router credential in the sketch
Libraries Required Max30XXXX Library, Blynk Library
I have used virtual PIN V5 for sending data to Blynk server you can use any virtual pin you want just make sure to select the same virtual pin in your blynk account to get the reading
Step 3: Blynk Website Setup
Add a gauge widget
Set it's range to 0-250
Select or create V5( virtual pin 5) for this gauge as written in the arduino sketch
Step 4: Final
power on the microcontroller ,it will first connect to wifi router and starts the max30102 sensor only after connecting to blynk server. if there is any problem in connecting with wifi or internet (username or password incorrect or no internet acess) it will not turn on the heart rate sensor so make sure to provide correct credential
as the red light in the max30102 turns on gently put thump on the light and you can see the heart rate on the gauge at blynk server after 30 sec
check out the video